Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Quiet Time

One of the things that I long for as a mom--is quiet.

I mean silence.

Where there is no noise except the faucet dripping.

With six people living in our home it is very rarely quiet.

Sometimes I get so focused on moving from one activity to the next.

That I forget that we ALL need "down time."

We like each other better after we have all been still for a while each day.

My younger foster babies take naps.

My older boys look at books, or rest quietly.

I sometimes just sit and do nothing.

Or read blogs. :)

But we all function better with a little quiet each day.

How about your family? 

Do you need quiet time every day?


  1. Sure do need quiet! Early in the morning is best for me--hubby leaves at 5:15 so I get up at 5:00 and pack his lunch, then usually have a quiet house till about 7:00. Lately, with the sun rising at 6:00, boys have been waking earlier, but not before 6:30. I love that bit of quiet in the morning!

  2. Funny! That was on my mind just this morning!! It doesn't happen often, but I do like some down time for sure!


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