Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Big Announcement

Now what was I going to blog about today..........hmmmm...........seems like it was something important, but I just can't seem to remember--I'm just kidding. :)

As most of you know last year in June we had two little foster boys placed in our homes.  They were 20 months and 10 months old.

In the early part of this year both of them had parental rights terminated making them available for adoption.

As you may have guessed we were definitely interested in adopting them.

However, there was one little glitch.

There was a family member that was also interested in adopting them.

For reasons I can't blog about that would have never happened.

But as a formality they had to have an adoption home study done.

Basically what this meant for us is that the adoption of these two little guys would take a looooong time.

Those of you who have been through the adoption process know what this means.

Extra stress!!

Because, until the last document is signed, and the judge makes his ruling there is just a feeling you have.

Maybe it's a little like being pregnant, overdue, and just wanting to give birth. ( I've never been pregnant so that might not be a good analogy.)

Anyway, back to my story.

Yesterday my case worker ( whom I like a lot ) called me and told me that the family member had withdrawn their appeal to adopt the boys.

Which means..................................

We are adopting these two little guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Congrats dear!!! Hope all be OK what nice:)))
    Blessings to you!

  2. YAY!!! :D Congratulations!!! Very, very happy for you guys... :D

  3. Wonderful news!! Congratulations!! Blessings all around!

  4. I sent you a mail dear Rebecca!xx

  5. Hallelujah!
    This is greatnews for your family and those two little new family members.
    God is good!

  6. Congratulations! It's always exciting to add to your family! So happy for you!

  7. Wonderful news! That limbo thing is hard. Praise God!

  8. Aww...that is WONDERFUL!!!! All families need lots of little boys! haha.

  9. I am filled with JOY for you! How exciting!!!!! AND WONDERFUL!!!!!!!

  10. Congratulations! That is exciting! So glad you have this blog so we can hear a little of your news.

  11. Happy mothers day dear Rrbecca, have a nice and lovely day!!! blessings


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