Saturday, July 21, 2012


I've been singing to babies for almost nine years now.

There's something soothing to both momma and baby about a soft song.

I sometimes just hum a never-ending medley of tunes, but there are a few songs that I have sung to every one of my children.

"Follow the Path of Jesus" --this is a hymn, but it is also my prayer for my children.

"That Little Boy of Mine"--I'm told that my Grandma sang this song to her children.  You can use the link below to listen to it.

"Jesus Loves Me"--one of the first songs our children learn to sing themselves.

What are your favorite lullabies?


  1. Ilove sing to my twins when they were babies and little and still they remember the songs when I day something they complete thr quotelol!
    But Rebecca the songs I know are in spanish like "duermete niño"(sleep my babu) or aroro mi niño arorro mi sol duermete pedazo de mi corazon(sleep my sun piece of my heart) I love baby songs and I can tell you they never forget; xxxx

  2. And yes I sing them Jesus songs too :)

  3. I told someone at church about you today--she was telling me about some friends of hers here who adopted ten years ago, and now wanted another. They figured if they didn't get one real soon they would be done. They drove from Nelson (top of this island) to Dunedin to pick up a newborn girl--only to arrive and find that the birthmother decided to keep her baby. That did it--they were done. A month or so later, the social worker called back, asking if they would still be interested in a baby girl. There was just one catch--she had a brother--would they take twins? They did!

  4. aw..that's so sweet.

    and I love Emma's story! :)


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