Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Busy Day


Do you ever get to the end of the day, and wonder "what did I do today?"
Well, today I took pictures--at least of some of my day.
1. Mixed up a batch of Honey Oatmeal Bread.  I haven't baked bread for a long time. I don't know why--it really doesn't take that long, and we love homemade bread.
2. Spent some quality time with my washer and dryer today.  I was falling behind on my laundry this week and today I tried to catch up.
3. Took out the trash.  See those cute little chubby hands--they "help" me all day long. :)
4. Cleaned the bathrooms.
5. My oldest working on his math.  Homeschooling is a part of every week day here.
6. Made Baked Oatmeal for breakfast--food just disappears like magic around our house.
7. Honey Oatmeal Bread fresh out of the oven.
8. Made a pot of tea--I'm trying to drink more tea and less coffee.
9. Changed quite a few diapers.
10. One of my cups of tea.
11. Worked on  paperwork with hubby. Not one of my favorite jobs, but it needs to be done.

This idea of documenting my day with pictures is not original to me.  Betsy  does a "What I Did Wednesday" post almost every week. 

So, what did you do today?


  1. Wonderful! I love your collage! That bread looks amazing. I haven't made bread in ages and we love it, too!

    You should do this every Wednesday with me. Nice to know someon else spent a lot of time on laundry today, too! ha.

  2. First your bread look amazing!!! Can you post the recipe when you can pleaseeee!
    Dear Love the pic of your older working in math:)
    Have a lot of dishes to wash and is not my favorite too:( Love your pictures rebecca!
    Your work so much dear!

  3. Sorry, I washed some plates, others are waiting for me:) (lol)
    I made a spinachs quiche with whole flour but I dont take pictures (I was lazy) but I will make again other day!, laundry, laundry, and Im not sure all I made (lol) but I have to make dinne rtoo:)

  4. Betsy, I wish I was a better photographer. This was a lot of fun tho. :)

  5. Gloria, Thanks--the bread tastes pretty good too! :) I'll try to post the recipe soon. :)

  6. Gloria, Thanks! It took quite a few tries to get good shots of some of the things. :)

  7. I think the photos look great! I love your tea kettle, too.

    Gloria, spinach quiche sound so good!

  8. Betsy was really nice but I was so tired to take a picture, so I wasnt but the next time I will make again was a dough I loved!

  9. You will look back on these days and wonder how you did it all.
    Keep writing them down.

  10. Your bread looks wonderful! I like the the collage too, I need to learn how to do those!

  11. Spending time with the washer and dryer
    I suppose it beats a deep fryer
    And paperwork too
    That's just ewww
    I sat about at work
    And went to blogland to lurk
    That sumises my day well
    All I have to tell..haha

  12. I agree, your bread looks amazing. I normally bake bread, too. However, I often times run out of time to do it and end up buying. It doesn't taste as good.


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