Monday, April 9, 2012

ABC's of Motherhood


H is for "hear"


Every day my ears are bombarded with many things.  However, I have a choice as to what I actually "hear."
I think most mom's are pretty good at tuning out some things, and listening to others, but it does take some effort.

For example today I could choose to hear a lot of whining and sobbing from my youngest who is teething.  Instead I think I'll focus on hearing his chuckles of delight over the craft pom poms that I allowed him to play with. (It looks like a "no no" and that's what makes it appealing.)

Another thing that I sometimes "hear" is criticism from others.  I can choose to listen and dwell on the negativity, or I can remember that they aren't walking in my shoes right now, and truly may not understand.

What are some good things that you are choosing to hear today?


  1. right now I'm lisitening to the dishwasher, washer and dryer all humming along...which means things are getting done. :)

    oh...and 3 boys giggling, skipping and making their own special noises...and smiling, knowing that tomorrow they go back to school after 10 days! (hear that?...yes..that little squeal of delight I just did? lol....)

    1. I thought I heard a little squeal a while ago. That was you huh? :)

      I like to hear my appliances working for me--makes me feel happy. :)

  2. Hello dear Rebecca, how are you! Hugs

    1. Hi Gloria! I'm doing good! Trying to catch up on laundry. :)

  3. And some days I only
    and you dont worry you are awesome and lovely, blessings

  4. Replies
    1. Awwww, that's too bad. Hope you feel better soon!

  5. Just got home from work and the noise level was really high. So right now it the ticking of the clock and my typing. Nice!


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