Thursday, June 7, 2012

My Second Son

This morning I saw his blue eyes sparkle as he watched a plumber pull a hairbrush from our toilet.  Instead of being appalled he was fascinated, and I smiled. 

He is my ever curious son who pushes every button, and dismantles every toy just to see what will happen.

I sometimes wonder who, or what he will be when he grows up. 

He has caused me a lot of worry in his seven years because he tends to do first, and think later.

Sleep is an unnecessary nuisance to him.

He is the last to go to sleep and the first awake--life is much too interesting to waste sleeping.

If I lose something (and I frequently do) I always ask him first, and often he knows where it is. 

He is my official "baby watcher."  When I have a job that requires a lot of concentration he is the one I ask to help with the little ones. 

In personality he is very different from me, but I love him for it!

He smiles and flits his way through his days like a slightly over-caffeinated angel making impulsive choices that cause me to sigh, but at the end of the day curling up to me on the couch--all angles and elbows, but full of impulsive love for his mom.


  1. aw what a sweet boy you have. sounds somewhat similar to my oldest especially as far as sleep is concerned. I think I agree with them :) you miss an aweful lot of fun things when you're asleep! :) hope your day is wonderful!

    1. I wish I could be like that--not need much sleep. I tell people that if I didn't drink coffee I would probably be in a comatose state most of the time. hahaha

    2. I'm never sure if I should tell people I'm a night owl or a morning person because I enjoy both and can do both for quite a while before I need to catch up. I don't drink coffe much but I enjoy the Advocare Spark drinks. You can check them out here. :)

  2. Hmm...sounds like one of my brothers!

    God bless,

  3. Aww...this was so sweet. I just love little boys!

  4. aahh Rebecca I think he is adorable, and a little like Esperanza LOL, is amazing like each kid we have is different than the other !

    1. I know, sometimes it surprises me that they aren't more alike, but then that wouldn't be very interesting.

    2. We love like they are dear, is only we can do, and always I think we can love other one LOL
      <to love always we have space:)))


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