Monday, April 30, 2012

Did I Really Just Say That?

Want to listen in on a phone conversation I had earlier today?

It went something like this.

Me, "Hi D- I'm so glad I got ahold of you. I was wondering if you could babysit for me tomorrow?"

D- "Sure!  I have a little girl I'm babysitting right now, but I don't have her till Wednesday."

Me, "Oh good, it would just be four of the kids, I thought to make it easier on myself I would only take three with me to the Dr's office. "

Did I really just tell someone that taking three toddlers to the Dr's office would be easy?


  1. No, you said easiER. There's a big difference. hahaha.

  2. But...if you took seven with you, I bet you'd get really fast service! hee.

    1. I probably would! Not to mention a few strange looks from people in the waiting room. :)

  3. So how did it go?
    If you came into the waiting room where I was sitting, I'd ask you if you needed an extra hand.

    1. Well, the low point was when the little girl twin tried to take all her clothes off, and threw a hairy fit when I wouldn't let her. :)

  4. Easy, comparatively speaking.


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